Home   »   Concrete or Clay Sewer Lines Installation, Service, Replacement & Repair in Monroe

Are the sewer lines at your residential or commercial property made from clay or concrete? Clay pipes were invented eons ago and enjoyed widespread use in plumbing and drainage systems throughout the world during the beginning of the 1900s. Modern engineering methods now produce a substantial, terra cotta clay design that is consistently utilized across the United States, with the pipes often surrounded by concrete for improved stability against aggressive roots and uneven landscapes. All Valley Plumbing is your community leader for concrete or clay sewer lines installation, service, replacement & repair in Monroe.

Sewer pipes that are formed from clay and concrete are highly durable and tough, they do not corrode like iron and can last for hundreds of years. Clay pipes are also environmentally friendly because of their makeup of water, reprocessed clay and additional natural elements.

All plumbing has some weaknesses, and clay is no exception. Because of their construction, clay pipes are very weighty and hard to move, compared to PVC that is lightweight and easy to maneuver. With advanced age, clay lines can become brittle and develop weak spots that allow water to run out. Roots can intrude on pipes and they can also crack when under extreme pressure. For extra fortification, clay lines are frequently enclosed with concrete, although this does increase costs for connection and repair.

For new clay pipe installation, appraisal or a supposed leak, notify the skilled plumbers at All Valley Plumbing. Our team of professionals has the necessary skill to tackle concrete or clay sewer lines installation, service, replacement & repair in Monroe. Phone us at (425) 357-7420 for an appointment. We are accessible for any sewer line issues.

All Valley Plumbing can help you with the following issues in the North Seattle and Snohomish County area:

Our customers can depend on us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call us now: (425) 357-7420

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